You are… a peculiar people.” 1 Peter 2:9
It’s not too often that one can be called “peculiar” and have the intent behind the statement not be offense, but at The UpperRoom Ministries we are just that. On a dirt road outside the Village of Lake Odessa Michigan, just a ways down from the train tracks, sits a tiny building at the corner of four corn fields. Herein you will find us, a peculiar people. The setting is meager, the ambiance is quaint, but the welcome is genuine and the people warm.
Our church started in 2007 as a small gathering of family. We were focused on uplifting encouragement, one to another; a safe place where the few involved could gather and offer an heartfelt word during a time when things were tough. From there the idea spread, first to members of family, then to the immediate community. Though the gatherings were small, they were steadily growing. In 2009 our little group of family and friends outgrew the living rooms of the cheerfully willing members and a new home was needed. But with a small congregation and little in the way of financial backing, we were left only with hopes and prayers. It seemed that was enough.
A dear friend of one of our members heard about our plight and was touched. We were given our little church, a tiny building at the corner of four corn fields, for the whopping price of one dollar. It was small, and in need of some tender loving care, but it was a home; our home. Here we’ve been steadily moving forward; backed by a peculiar and powerful mix of warm hearts, open hands and Word. Not focused on religion and regulation, but the freedom of a relationship; real companionship with God; a singular being, abounding with love and joy. Here we have found our peace; here we have found our rest; here we are welcome and happy to offer what we have.
Here, at the corner of four corn fields, we have found our peculiar home.