by Admin | Aug 8, 2011 | Sermons
Worship: Come now is the Time to Worship, Open the Eyes of my Heart, Trading my Sorrows, Shout to the Lord, Resting Place, Hallelujah (I Exalt Thee) Teaching: Detecting the Eyes of the Enemy Cody Vasquez Aug 7th, 2011 Click below to watch the full video…...
by Admin | May 2, 2011 | Sermons
UpperRoom May01, 2011 from The Upper Room Ministries of Mi on Vimeo. Worship: Victory Chant, Open the Eyes of my Heart, God of Wonders, God with Us, I exalt Thee, Majesty, Awesome in this Place Sermon: Baptism of the Spirit Anita Torres
by Admin | Apr 4, 2011 | Sermons
Relationships: Trust from The Upper Room Ministries of Mi on Vimeo. Worship: Come, Now is the time to Worship, Open the Eyes of my Heart, Trading my Sorrows, He is Exalted, How Great Thou Art, Majesty, Breathe Sermon: Relationships: Trust Jerry Vasquez April 3rd,...
by Admin | Nov 1, 2010 | Sermons
The UpperRoom Ministries Oct 31, 2010 from The Upper Room Ministries of Mi on Vimeo. Worship: He Reigns, Trading my Sorrows, Open the Eyes of my Heart, God with Us, How Great Thou Art, Give me Words to Speak, He is Exalted. Sermon: Being the Servant Dan...